What is AGE ?

First of all, AGE stands for Advanced Game Engine. It doesn't really mean anything, but that makes a cool name. To make a brief summary, AGE is a game engine made in C++ and using DirectX 9 libraires (maybe OpenGL will be added later). It contains (read will contain) advanced 3D graphic management (animated models, lightning, particles, shader effects, etc..), sound management, physics, as well as some basic game function such as heightmapping, cameras and basic AI. The point of this project is to make something that works, at first, then to publish it under my name and gain some renown. Then, maybe a game project will come up (don't count on that too soon).

Who am I ? My nickname is GLForce, and my real name Gabriel Lachance (see from where comes the GL). I am currently in software engineering. I programmed since I was 12 years old, but started it really seriously (read : stopped doing Visual Basic) when I was about 15. I'm now 20 (shoot, I'm getting old quicker than my engine, a script should take care of my other age problem). I think that's about it. Oh yeah, before you ask it : yes I'm a french canadian.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Okay, I thought everything was going well. In fact, it seemed everything was going well. Physics are now working and I was happy. However, I then decided to implement heightmapping (which is a way to generate terrain). When it was finished, and that I tested it, bad suprise : my engine has big performance problems. I still don't know if the problems come from the encapsulation or from the great number of buffers, I just began to dig it. I must admit, however, that it makes me lose some of my enthuiasm. Motivation is harder to find where you're doing optimization. Anyway, it has to be done, so wish me good luck. See ya !

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's aliiiiive !

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orin. I've watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanauser Gate. And I've seen my collision work !!! That's for real. That "destroy-and-rebuild everything" stuff sure paid. Okay, maybe that doesn't mean alot for you, but for me... The hours of headaches, of crying in pain alone in the darkness of my failure, are now finished. A new day is beginning my friends, and it's all for me ! No seriously, I'm happy I can finally walk over that obstacle and work on some new stuff. I plan on releasing a simple video showing the physics in action (impulse and collision) soon. Be ready to be astonished ! Time for the victory song !

Collision works la-la, collision works la-la, collision works la-la, collision works la-la, collision works la-la, collision works la-la !!!